A downloadable game
Juego hecho en Unity. Aún en proceso. El juego recrea el Resident Evil original. Este juego está hecho para fans y no hay ánimo de lucro en su desarrollo.
Gracias por descargar la beta. Pronto actualizaré con mejoras. Estaos al loro!
Game made in Unity. Still in develope. The game revisit the original Resident Evil . This game is made only for fans and was made without any intention to make profit.
Thanks for download this beta. Soon i will update the game. Stay alert!
UPDATE 9/15.2021
W,A,S,D para desplazarse
Shift mantenido para correr
Click derecho para apuntar y dejar de apuntar
Click Izquierdo para disparar
Ruleta de ratón para cambiar de arma
E para interactuar
Alt+F4 para salir del juego
W,A,S,D to move
Shift to run
Right click to aim
Left click to shoot
Mouse Wheel to change weapon
E to interact
Alt+F4 go out the game
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCotdZWPy7pM85MiT6N146hA
Twitter : BiohazardUnity (@BiohazardUnity) / X
Sketchfab : https://sketchfab.com/Perriqueso
Status | In development |
Rating | Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars (55 total ratings) |
Author | PerroAutonomo |
Genre | Survival |
Tags | biohazard, evil, FPS, perrurri, rebecca, resident, resident-evil, Survival Horror, Unity, Zombies |
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Hello! Im just going to say that this remake is awesome. It actually got me into RE again, after I lost interest. It also inspired me to work on a similar project where I want to model the 1996 mansion! But, everytime I work on it, I always hit a part where it's too difficult. If you want, could you explain to me how you 3D modeled the rooms in such high accuracy? The problems I have the most are getting good-looking textures, and smaller details like wall sconces and baseboards. Thank you for your time!
Tu juego tiene una pinta fantástica en VR-
¿Quizás puedas hacer una versión VR completa de Biohazard Project?
¡Fue increíble!
Gracias por vuestro duro trabajo.
oh this is a cool fan game! but I hope you make something original since it's more legal that way! i'd love to see more of your work!
Great mod for any RE1 fans, I'd recommend checking out his other work too!
this would be awesome in vr :o
I played this today and it was very fun. I love resident evil.
Em primeiro lugar, eu quero agradecer você por esse projeto maravilhoso!
jogar RE2/BH2 em modo fps é uma experiência incrível! mas eu preciso saber uma coisa, esse projeto ainda está em andamento? e mais uma coisa, como eu posso configurar a resolução de tela? no meu pc ele inicia em resolução semelhante ao ps1 👀
I really hope you come back to finish this one day.
It's really disappointing that you didn't finish this project before starting the new one..
it is,it is.
The mod download says "uncomplete", so this mod is incomplete?
Is incomplete,but is not a mod.
3thperson perspective,sorry.
PerroAutonomo I'm a huge RE fan and would love to get in touch with you about assisting with programming and possibly even character art. Love what you've made and would like to contribute to what you've started, but I would hate to use assets you've created without your permission first.
I searched for your email on Youtube, X (twitter), Sketchfab, and itch.io but there seems to be no contact info so I'm reaching out via comment. Please get in touch!
This is one of the most amazing recreations i have ever seen !!! please include inventory system (if possible) and or cheats so we can have infinite ammo haha thank you for making this !!!
Me parece muy bueno! se ve un re lindo trabajo. Lo siguen trabajando? consulto, no se puede guardar la partida?
Make it so people can save their game you hack. Its been years! Did you just produce a half baked beta for social media cred? What gives. Hook it up playa
You've been downvoted heavily in almost every comment you made here, yet your comments from long ago have been proved absolutely right.
It's quite ironic seeing a Resident Evil project wind up in such a hideously zombified state. Save the "hiatus" nonsense and do yourself a favour retrogemn, because for whatever reason you clearly can't (or won't) put in the work to see this finished: either turn the project over to someone who can, or call it what it is: dead.
Amigo, el proyecto es asombroso, todos los que seguimos tu trabajo estamos ansiosos por jugar la versión final, respecto a eso, debido a que no ha habido mas actualizaciones, el proyecto sigue en marcha? Y de ser asi, hay una fecha probable de lanzamiento de la versión final? Agradeceria mucho tu respuesta🙌
He's working on RE2. I will maybe come back to work on this (RE1). There's a lot of things to do.
Perfect, my friend. Is there an approximate date for RE2?
A project that would have been really great if it was completed, I wish they hadn't moved on to the second game before finishing the first game.
the game is okay but the motion blur is so bad i couldn't handle playing it
I still think of this game. I hope the developer is doing fine and is having fun developing other projects. For this project however, it's been over a year since he's last said anything, and almost 2 since any patch to the game. We'd all like to see a finish project here, but I'm happy with what we got and I must say my thanks to Perro for the experience. Thankyou
Guapísimo tio, ójala lo puedas acabar pronto 100% RECOMENDADO PARA FANS
is this finish?
Any chance to add VR? https://docs.unity3d.com/540/Documentation/Manual/VROverview.html
With the main site of code v project being shut down where the 96 edition was being displayed is this project now cancelled too? Or is this one still ongoing? Was it just ccx and re1 RR?
It's on hiatus but not cancelled.
Ahh ok thanks is the C&D the reason for the hiatus?
It's not.
S=any key
E=start game
how to equip the gun?
PS: awesome game
Puedo encontrar un servidor de discord para este juego?
Why hasn't this project been updated in over a year? Did you receive a cease and desist letter from Capcom?
He didn't. He is working on RE2 FPS version, while I'm helping him in this project since last year.
well, if he leaves people hanging on his first project what hope does he have with a second one? this does not bode well. People really need to be able to save their game if they are going to enjoy a resident evil remake. Basic game functions have been omitted from this biohazard project rendering it nearly unplayable.
Yeah man, I know. While he made nearly all models and animations, he did not made basic functions, because he's a 3d modeler and animator and not a programmer. Last year I offered help to programming stuff and help to make some UI too. But it's not like he left me hanging or something, it's just like for now I took the development of this project. So he moved on to make a demo of RE2 FPS.
Happy to know the creator of this is doing well and with that said, I am just glad both projects are still in development as we speak. I'm eager to play a more updated version of this remake but I'm fine with waiting. Take your time and don't let people rush you guys.
its been over a year and still cant even save the game; pretty sure he's not gonna bother with it
I would like to offer to make a VR version of this project. I would happily convert this game for use with Oculus Quest 2 but I don't think Unity can edit games that have already been built, so I would need to use the source files to do it. If it's a no, that's okay, too, but all in all, this is a VERY good Resident Evil fan prequel. I'm actually a voice actor for Resident Evil The Arklay Chronicles, which is another fan prequel set between 0 and 1, and we got nominated for Fan Game of The Year 2022, so hooray, I guess!
I think it's an great idea, but given the current state of the project, I think you would need to redo a lot of mechanics (movement, shooting, climbing, enemies, animations etc) to adapt to VR, and the project is not easily set up to be used in VR. You would also need to adapt the UI elements to better fit in VR. I think it would be more productive to start a project from scratch and use the PerroAutonomo 3d models for the scenarios or maybe fork the project and use the current scenarios for a starting point.
Me gusta biohazard
just saw the trailer including your Resident Evil 96 Edition on Briin Crofts youtube and it looks awesome, cant wait to try the new version out :D
Awesome Game, kind of strange the zombie shape, but excellent, the game play is good, I did feel kind of afraid the first gameplay, maybe add the saving option for the next update, cause you get killed easily XD wich is good, it makes you fell like real life XD 10/10
hes too busy working on a second project to implement the basic game functions of this first one. Its more about garnishing social credit than it is rendering a fully enjoyable game experience.
Stop talking bullshit, you don't know nothing.
Someone already mentioned about the saving :)
Got Rebecca Sandwiched though, Twice :D
Buenas! He probado tu beta y me encanta! Sobre todo las elecciones que has tomado para el diseño, el resultado es fiel al original aun cuando ha cambiado la perspectiva a primera persona! Te interesaría sacar una versión compatible con VR? Podríamos colaborar! Contáctame si te interesa!
Thank you for your amazing work! Would it be possible to make this project open source? It would be nice to see your projected ported to different systems such as 3DS, Xbox, PS Vita, and more!
hes too busy working on a second project to implement the basic game functions of this first one. Its more about garnishing social credit than it is rendering a fully enjoyable game experience.
Great game! I just wished that the game would have let me saved lol
This was great! love the small "easter eggs" you put in there.
You do understand what a beta is right? why praise the work of a beta (which yes, does have bugs which need to be worked out) yet complain about said beta at the beginning of your narrative? It says it right in the text above the comment section and in every article that points to this project. Your comment about this project is perfect if you take out the first two sentences. Unless you're a spoiled kid expecting a finished game for free, a "project in development" is, yes, going to have bugs until the launch build is ready to be distributed. 🙄
hes too busy working on a second project to implement the basic game functions of this first one. Its more about garnishing social credit than it is rendering a fully enjoyable game experience.
speaking of letters, you should see the cease and desist letter this guy got
I love that you can see the original 3 games on the shelf in one of the save room
Felicitacione spor tu proyecto amigo. yo tambien estoy haciendo un fangame de RE. pero el tuyo es una pasada total. Abrazos desde Venezuela
gracias amigo! Pasate un enlace que vea ese Resident Evil tuyo!
saludos! https://medimongames.itch.io/resident-evil-vm
can you port this to android please
lol bro he cant even finish this one and ur asking for a port? dont hold your breath homie
IF someday we fully finish this project, maybe we'll release the source code, so someone could port this to whatever platform.