A downloadable game

Biohazard2 Demo Fan game. Esto es una demo de mi propia versión de Resident Evil 2. No hay ninguna intención de obtener ningún tipo de beneficio económico ni de renombre. Hecho con intención artistica y para fans de la época. Todos los derechos pertenecen a CAPCOM. El juego está sin terminar y dudo que lo termine en un futuro. Tiene multitud de fallos. Se puede usar ratón WASD y mando de play. ``E´´ para interactuar. Que lo disfruten!!

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(37 total ratings)


BIOHAZARD2Beta.rar 263 MB

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DUDE can I help you on Patron or something to finish the game? I love the love you put in. respect and dedication to OG RE2!

PerroAutonomo can you make a graphics setting for lower end laptops

Love how the whole thing looks like one of those old cutscenes from games like Diablo 1 and Warcraft. It's very impressive.
I assume it's a combination of low poly models with simple textures and some kind of shading trickery. You nailed it so well.

(1 edit)

Overall I love it, the save, is just preventing me to re attempt :(

I'll just edit this again for Part 2

EDIT: Part 2

Nothing happens when I press a button in the main menu. Anyone else know how to actually start the game

press E

Como cambio la configuración grafica para bajar la resolucion y desactivar el desenfoque de movimiento, me marea mucho

lo siento,no puse nada de configuración. Siento lo del mareo. Le puse un efecto de Blur,del que me arrepiento un poco pero tampoco tanto. Ese efecto hace que el gameplay en cierto sentido se asemeje a las FMV antiguas.



press E

hola soy yo de nuevo, hay un error en la parte donde estan los perros, al interactuar con una de las zonas de esa habitacion el juego se congela, sabes el porque?

mmm curioso,no lo sabía. Algo me habré dejado ahí. Pero bueno a partir de ahi el juego se queda ya en la nada. Ya casi has visto todo lo que había por ver.

(1 edit) (+1)


really cool idea and really well made but i can't interact with any of the menus also please add a difficulty option


Looks fantastic


Please finish this proyect! We are millions of people waiting for this game, it would be great to have a final version :')


I like this project, please finish it (and the first one too)! I like that you gave Leon a tonfa baton, I hope to see some new or other small changes.

Can you add a reload button? Also enable to navigate the item menu?

Una maravilla, realmente tienes mucho talento y deberías terminar el juego, como fan de nicho del juego me ha encantado. Felicidades!


I love how you shoot the gun and i like how the zombies are animated. i hope i could be a game dev like you.

Great remake just as your other projects for re1. 

Dude I love it and I really hope you keep updating it.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you for making this beautiful game.

Possible metaquest port in the future?

what? 😂


Without a save feature its kind of not worth playing fully, With that said if it had a save feature and an indicator reticle  if you were hovering over an item over all this would be a legit experience to the actual game.

hasta donde llega la demo? es un trabajo increible, impecable y ademas todo lo modificaste para que realmente tuviese esa perspectiva en primera persona, ademas todo esta un poco reimaginado, bien pensado asi se evade el copy xd, y bueno honestamente es increible, no suficientes palabras para describir las senzaciones que te deja y los detalles que tiene, ademas que es un poco mas dificil por las escasas curaciones y literalmente el no kill run que si te matan una vez debes empezar de cero, y pues que como esta reimaginado hay cosas que te agarran de sorpresa, y bueno el que todo el mapa esta renderizado evitando asi pantallas de carga, asi como ese detalle de RE2 de que solo pasas por las puertas abieras y si esta cerrada no puedes, aunque lo del inventario habria estado mejor, pero se aprecia que puedes al menos ver cuanta salud tienes, aunque si, es un poco mas dificil, ya que a veces no te das cuenta de cuando te atacan los enemigos, eres increible, y me gustaria saber mas sobre superzombie y de tus futuros planes, creeme que estoy muy interesado, saludos y sigue asi, vas por un muy buen y excelente camin

(1 edit) (+1)

Could you tell me how I save my progress? If it's not possible, please update because this fangame is insane!

I'm curious because this exact game  has haunted me from childhood for one reason. The doors in the rpd that are broken. I always wondered what was behind them. Gaming wise nothing because the doors never worked. Be nice if there actually was something behind them even if you have to no clip to see it or it's just written on the map


I made an account just to say this is incredible work you've done here! Also the fact you can develop the film, the tiny click in the main lobby when you unlock the door across the room, the attention to detail here is immaculate and I will be following this should you continue! I assume menus aren't meant to be controlled at the moment, but I wanted to mention picking up and interacting with things is a bit of a roll of the dice atm, but if I'm being honest, I don't have many more complaints. Please continue to work on this, it is worth the effort you've so very clearly put in, whether it's just you or a whole team, you should be proud you've put something this amazing together! One last detail I wanted to add is that when you begin to walk towards the window with the licker jump scare for the first time, I did not expect to be blown away with the sense of scale here just looking out the window, it makes it feel that much more grounded being able to see outside and even in the remake BY Capcom iirc that window is covered up and you don't really see much of the city from the windows like you do here. That all was a long-winded way of saying thank you for blowing me away with this and I will continue to keep tabs on what perrostudio is up to!

(2 edits) (+1)

Add a mode called.. impossible!...much more enemies, faster enemies, enemies can shuffle faster,less ammo, 1 hit to be killed, please add quick turn option in settings

(3 edits) (-6)

Please add options for over the shoulder and fixed camera angles..example udk project!  Upgraded and enhanced graphics and player,enemy models.  ...Least important requests wanted: cheat mode with lots of options,nude mode for claire when not around sherry,mod support, online co op (meaning players are simultaneously in the police station at the same time and can interact and run into each other!) Offline multiplayer as little option..


Dude what the hell are you asking for? It's a single person making the game...

Are you trolling? The whole point of this is to be an fps you want over the shoulder go play the original RE2 for N64 or the RE 2 remake. You want nude mods for blocky ass textures oh no you want high def textures that defeats the purpose since there's and RE2 remake. There's high def nude mods for the RE2 remake. Cheat modes for the RE 2 remake. Online Co-op would make the game too easy it's meant to be a single player. Go play RE: Verse for multiplayer.

Get RE2 and RE:Verse for the PC you weirdo

U want some extra mustard with that order?

how do i switch guns

(1 edit)

please, fix installation from itch client 


Amazing work man, real cool


I also try hitting any key and it doesn't let me in


press E

I try hitting any key and it doesn't let me in!!!!

press E


This is such a good recreation please finish it and dont abandon it !!! 
the attention to detail the cutscenes the new inventory system LOVE IT Please please please make this a full thing <3 Love your work thank you for making this its so good to see OG Raccon city in its full glory <3 

(hopefully someday a RE3 remake of sort would be nice too <3)


Friend listen to what many comments say, I agree with many of this, do not throw this great project in the trash which has a lot of ambition, establish a page to raise money for this project, I know many if you ask me about one or maybe you see You know some but if you work on them with patience and time making progress, believe me you will have resounding success in your hands, don't waste it.


I just played it, right at this moment, on stream: http://twitch.tv/thatguyalexier and lemme tell you, the vibes the game give are unbelievable! Keep it up! Unfortunately there is not enough ammo to go through a lot on the playthrough. Even if you would try a way to get tipped to benefit your work, believe me, it would be worth it! This is worth a lot! With a lot of polishing, giving it a bit of agility, being able to move while aiming, and better melee combat, this would be easialy the top indie game!

(1 edit) (+1)

Soft-Lock Issue:

If Katherine Warren (the Mayor's daughter) is allowed to get behind the door that leads to the Diamond Key, she prevents you from leaving the room.

Go to 4:13:58 in the video below to see what I'm talkin about. Luckily I was able to get out at 4:26:02, but it was by pure luck.


bro this shit the bomb


Greetings! As a connoisseur of classic R.E. I should thank you for your hard work on this game and other you made.
I hope you will find strength and will to finish it with help of your fans!
And also wish you will do same to R.E. Survivor or R.E. 1.5.
Would play in any of it with pleasure :)


Me gusto mucho todo, muy divertido y lleno de sospresas ♥ Gracias por este mod, realmente RE 2 es mi juego favorito ♥

oye muchas gracias!


man i love your work and honestly this is the vibe that we miss from the remake i wish you can finish this project 

btw what about re3 ? it would be awesome to give it the same treatment ,and finally thanks for the amazing demo i could not hold my tears when i played it yesterday.


Hermano primero que nada muy buen trabajo con lo que has hecho, está quedando perfecto, espero de verdad ver el resultado final si es que te animas a hacerlo, no habrá una posibilidad de hacer una versión para 32 bits? quiero jugarlo pero mi pc es antigua y no aguanta un OS de 64 bits

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