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can you port this to android please


lol   bro he cant even finish this one and ur asking for a port?   dont hold your breath homie 


IF someday we fully finish this project, maybe we'll release the source code, so someone could port this to whatever platform.


I'm loving this a lot but I have a question, Is the shotgun unlimited? because I've yet to find any shotgun ammo...

From my experience it is not, hopefully there will be a small patch in the future that adds some. 


It has potential but too bugged and difficult without saves. Gun gets stuck in a reloading animation after a few shots. Keep dying to dogs cause my gun isn't having any effect on them, I shoot and knife them and nothing happens. Really hope this game gets a update it deserves it cause it's got potential to be great.


hes too busy working on a second project to implement the basic game functions of this first one. Its more about garnishing social credit than it is rendering a fully enjoyable game experience. 

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Buenas, venía solo a comentar un par de cosas para ver si son posibles en las siguientes versiones ya que las veo esenciales.

· Poder ver cuanta munición tienes en cada arma pues es muy confuso a veces el ir una pelea y tener 1 bala en la pistola.

· Poder saber cuanta vida tienes, aunque el inventario aún no sea funcional.

· No se si es un bug pero con la escopeta puedes apuntar y moverte pero con la pistola no.

· Los zombies a veces se tragan las balas y parece que tienen vida de más, me he encontrado a veces zombies que de 3-4 tiros de pistola caen y otros que aguantan 6-7 o incluso un tiro desde cerca con la escopeta (no se si es algo hecho a propósito o no, pero lo reporto como bug por si acaso)

· Poder guardar la partida por favor (con cintas de tinta), este juego es difícilisimo JAJAJAJAJ

Y a parte de algunos crashes fortuitos que me han ocurrido, que veo normales dado el proceso en el que está el proyecto. Ya como objetivos a futuro por si no te los has planteado, aunque suenen obvios y son más bien sugerencias:

· En algunas zonas la música se corta de repente por el cambio de area y queda mal.  Ej: cuando subes al segundo piso del hall se corta la música del primer piso.

· Poner de alguna manera algunos de los documentos del original como el mítico diario del cuidador.

· Si consigues matar a Forest a cuchillo (por lo tanto que no explote) poder conseguir su lanzagranadas o algo por el estilo si no entraba esto en concreto dentro de tus planes.

· Aunque suene muy obvio, mapa e inventario funcionales, pero vamos, esperable que ya lo hayas pensado.

· Habilitar una tecla de giro rápido para cuando te estás quedando acorralado sin querer poder huir.

· Mejorar la precisión del apuntado de las armas de fuego y del cuchillo, con este último a veces no se entienden bien las distancias.

PD: Pedazo de proyecto te estás marcando, mucho ánimo y continua así porque esto es la ostia.

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Hola muy buenas, te escribo en español porque en el post de itchio vi que escribristes asi, te conoci a ti y tu proyecto por el canal de youtube de residence of evil en el cual tambien dejaban un link a la web, primero que nada felicitarte por el proyecto es una bestialidad en todos lso aspectos pero sobre todo en lo tecnico, muy pero que muy acertado este estilo grafico y el tipo de animaciones en general se nota que le has puesto cariño y esfuerzo en lograr esto y eso es lo que vale, ojala capcom en un futuro viera con buenos ojos tu trabajo y te diera la oportunidad de trabajar con ellos como lo hicieron con los creadores del fan remake del resident evil 2 , debido a esto queria hacerte una consulta, como lograste esas texturas con estetica de render de finales de los 80 principios de los 90?,(creo que mi tope estaria en algo tecnicamente parecido a lo,logrado en la serie de animacion de transformers beast wars), pregunto porque yo tambien estoy medio metido en un proyecto que me gustaria crear con esas caracteristicas, e ido investigando por diferentes webs y foros y e dado con varios resultados llegando a estar los que mas me convencieron en foros de blender y renderocity, aunque me gustaria seguir experimentando con mas opciones y otros puntos de vista, te estare enviando este mismo mensaje por twiter y  youtube para cubrir mas terreno y tener mas posibilidades de que lo veas. Saludos y feliz año nuevo, un poco tarde pero algo es algo.


I really like the game, to make the game more atmospheric, I would think that the corpse parts and zombies do not disappear but instead blood remains on the walls for the entire duration of the game, and when you re-enter the room after a while they fly and maggot themselves Collect

I know its a lot of work..

Very good idea!!

Deleted 2 years ago

Yes as far i know...


Cool....and AMAZING!!

Deleted 2 years ago

What do you mean it doesn't work? It works perfectly for me, I just push the statue, pick up the blue gem and interact with the tiger

Only just got this to work a few days ago, the statue doesn't move unless you're sprinting into it, which isn't the case for mostly all of the other movable objects.


por favor, que tu siguiente juego sea dino crisis, estaria genial jugarlo en primera persona SALUDOS


Se pueden configurar los gráficos?



Yo tengo todo los RE, pero lamentable no los he jugado y ver ahora que recreaste RE 1 en primera persona, se agradece, cuando subas la version completa lo jugare y subire a mi canal <3 


(1 edit) (+1)

hola una pregunta, cuando va estar terminado?, y en el caso que no, vas a subir la versión completa ? saludos ¡¡  


Yo calculo que en 3 o 4 meses...Si,subiré el juego mas completado sin duda,pero hay que tener paciencia. Ahora hay una persona muy competitiva trabajando en el proyecto también.


Excellent work my friend, I will continue, but when will you upload the full version, thank you



Esta increible esto

Espero que sigas adelante con el proyecto!

(2 edits) (+1)

Hello! It's very cool, author, continue your work, you inspired me a lot and be happy, people need it and even enthusiasts will be ready to help you free of charge (I read your interview), including me, although I do not have much experience, and I don’t know I can do this job well enough. As wishes: make the locations wider, in the original game they are even larger, and in the first person view it's even more necessary for convenience. =)


Hola! Enhorabuena por el proyecto, es fantástico. Solo una duda. Lo he jugado y, una vez "vacío" el cargador de la pistola, no puedo volver a cargar. Hace la animación de cargarla, pero realmente no lo hace y no puedo disparar más. 


Gracias! Pues es que esta mal hecho el script del arma con la municion y cuando no hay mas balas se queda en esa animacion. Puedes coger cargardores en el hall principal,en el pasilllo debajo de un mueble donde salta el chucho por la ventana y en algun sitio mas hay un cargador de pistola.


Would you consider adding VR controls, or uploading the map to VRChat? I've always wanted to explore the Spencer Mansion in VR :)


Me too! But i never try this. 2 Weeks ago i tried to implement joystick input in the game and i was barely to break all the project ... so i will finish first the game and then try to do in vr and joystick functions on it.

Awesome! Also awesome job on the project, it's looking great :)

If you want some help with the project and do you like to make a VR Version, i can offer you some help. I work with unity and VR. I program in c# and some other langueages. I'm From Argentina.  What do you think about it ? 

pues pienso que estária relindo que me echases una mano para hacer el resident Evil 2

Hola bro ! Me copa la propuesta y la idea. Agrégame en Discord. PuroHueso#3467

Oh yes please, make it happen in VR somehow. Want to wander through Spencer Mansion too. :)


Hey mate, thx for this awesome project, do you think the code will be open sourced in the future or if there are ways i can contribute to the project ?

The development of the project is quite embarrassing. Basically the game works with boxes that activate other events. I will put the scenarios to download for free in Sketchfab when the game develope ends, but the project is unfeasible to share, because everything is a mess.

(1 edit) (+1)

Excuse me, is there a way to reduce the graphics? : C

I have an intel 7 with 4gb of ram and I don't have a graphics card, the game looks amazing and I would love to play it </ 3

In other versions of Unity, I remember that I could choose which resolution to play at, but in this version I'm doing it doesn't give that possibility. I'm so sorry :( (I'm doing this on a computer that is 10 years old or older)
(2 edits) (+1)


The moment i opened the front door of the mansion and saw the inside, I stood there for 10 seconds without saying anything with this face --> :O and then: "Fuck..."

I feel like I'm playing RE1 but instead of the static 2D background images, it's in 3D, the gameplay also looks like the CGI cutscenes.

I can say that the graphical accuracy is at least 90% compared to the original game, congratulations for that, you did a great job. :)

I'm curious to play without the pixelated filter to have a clear vision, can you make a version without the filter? or add an option to disable it?

It also would be nice to have a save system as a major update.

I hope you will find a programmer to help you with the game. :)

Keep up the good work!

Thank you for playing and comment. I don´t want to dissapoint you,but save system is impossible to put here :(

And for the pixelated filter, do you think it is possible to release a version of the game without it? It could bring a  better immersion. :)

Anyway, thank you. :)

I´ll think about it,but is more ugly without the filter :S

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you :D,  let me judge for myself.  ^^


It is exactly like CGI. It's wonderful. If it was like just regular, it wouldn't have 20% of the charm. 


Hello ! I spent a few hours playing your Biohazard project and I intend to write an article about it. It's very impressive and I was wondering if you would be interested in answering a few questions for a written interview that I would then publish alongside my article for our French readers on If you're interested please PM me on Twitter and I'll send you my questions there. Let me know 🙂 Thanks in any case !


I love and appreciate this project so much, absolutely fantastic work done here! Being able to play the 1996 RE in first-person with new character's and alternate timeline is such a joy and really hits the nostalgia feels.  

If I may make some suggestions:

+ supporting 1440P display 

+ Reticle for aiming (or at least the option for one)

+ 180 degree turning (maybe an option for purists)

Other than that I know there are still bugs to workout and being able to access the inventory and saving I'm sure will be sorted out in the next update. But yeah this is a dream come true for me. 

Thank you for this!

Thank you amigo for playing and enjoy it. Im working in one of that suggestion.


Hi ! Thanks a lot for this amazing experience, you had to work so much on this :-O Can the game be finished in the current version ?

How  did you do to play it? i cant play , i get an error when i want to unzip :( 

I simply unzipped with 7zip and chose the option to ''extract to 'filewiththesamename'''. That worked for me !

Thanks to you for playing it.

Great game!!
I have some questions...
1) How to save the game?

2) How to open the inventory?

3) How do you get those graphics / shaders? They are really awesome.

4) Do you need a (another) programmer in this project?

(1 edit)

Thank you!
1) you cant save the game. Im looking for an easy way to create a save system,but this game is so badly done,thats i think gonna be imposible.
2- I cancel the inventory. That create a lots of troubles so,another stuff that i cant handle with.
3- Im using a plugin  pixelator. Also the textures is made with that pixeled effect.
4- This game need a programmer since the first day i start with it. I did almost everything with a simple simple scripts,tutorials and with the idea only to walk arround the mansion,so thats why excepting visual everything works so badly.


PerroAutonomo, are you currently looking for some programming assistance? I have Unity C# experience and could lend a hand free of charge - absolutely love the project so far!

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I would like to join this project...

Hey, did you find a way to implement the saving system? It sounds like you didn't build it using state pattern. If you had, you would be able to save the state in a file and load it again later on. Anyway, if you more or less explain how the state of the game is done, I may try to suggest some workaround. Thanks. cheers


Awesome reimagination.

Nice video! Thanks


Dream come true for me man, thank you for making this. 

Also, I know it's a lot to ask for, but if you could somehow get a VR view to work, that would be amazing.

It wont launch fo me just always says files missing does it need to be launched through something else

Create a new folder in your desk and put in there all the archives what are inside the zip. Then press the executable. Is that working¿

No it still does not work just keeps saying unityplayer.dll missing 

I have tried to download it through the itch program and it keeps saying in the error details 'cannot read property 'build' of undefined'

will try re download it from here and give it a go


ah I just redownloaded it and I didnt have these extra files before haha

thanks for helping anyways mate! :)


Amigo lo estuve jugando pronto lo subiré a mi canal completo,cosas que decirte para mejorar,entrar al inventario ,poder ver las balas y la vida que queda,el aim es para mejorarlo disparo y el tiro no le da al personaje,no es crítica el juego me parece genial creo que tienes un gran potencial,otra cosa el no poder guardar partida lo hace muy difícil cuando me falta el último emblema me quedo sin balas y a cuchillo puff es imposible matar a tantos zombies pero es un vicio sin duda,super jugable y divertido saludos!!!


SIMPLY INCREDIBLE! Please continue with this project! This threw me back to the ps1 original that I love so much! I couldn't access inventory or item management, however if those get added, ink ribbons get added, and maybe add glows to the objects you can pick up like in the original, this game will be AMAZING! Here's my playthrough!

Me gusta este tipo de proyectos y jugué todo lo que pude, me gustaría algun dia verlo terminarlo si es que don Capcom no te lo tumba, literal me hice una cuenta para comentarte lo agradecido que estoy con esto, se siente fresco después de estar 20 años jugando con cámaras fijas, en fin, a veces se me cierra de la nada el juego, pero bueno, espero mas updates y saludos desde Argentina.

Can't get past the character selection screen, "E" key doesnt work. It does a few steps before, when it I validate "New Game" with "E".


Only Rebecca is available. Choose her.


Me gusta tu versión creativa de Resident evil, es parecido a Inside pero tomando en perfectos detalles lo que era el original clásico, yo te apoyo amigo 👍


Que onda desde México, saludos hermano se ve súper genial el progreso, sabes que lo quise descargar y no me dejó abrir el archivo tal vez sea por qué no tenía una cuenta en la página hoy saliendo del trabajo lo intentaré de nuevo ya con una cuenta !!! Mucho éxito se ve el talento y toda la pasión que se a invertido sigue así !!! Estaremos al pendiente de los resultados, de un desarrollador independiente a otro !!! Échale galleta!!!!💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 


Necesito ayuda , ya descarge el juego pero me marca un error cuando quiero descomprimir el juego en mi ordenador :(


I think you need to add a zip file for the installer to work on the app

Whats that? has an application that works like the Steam Client, you can install games with a button (
when you press install on your game it doesn't install and it throws an error, that is why some people say it won't install, it needs a .zip file, not a .rar file


Omg. Well, this is obviously some distance from completion. But let me say the vibe is there. The music, the eeriness, the little unexpected surprise around the corners like the body in the toilet etc was crazy good!!


Thanks for this awesome game demo/remake . I really like the graphics style that looked like the fmv graphics from the original resident evil and it really retains the original feal of the ps1 game with all the sound effects but in fps mode . I played it as much as I could until I could not progress any further due to the battery bug where I put in the red gem stone but I could not pick up the battery . It was challenging to complete the entire demo without saving and I had to replay it 4 - 5 times due to dying in my previous runs . I once died to being stuck in a doorway and the zombie killed me because I could not move , this happened where you replace the broken shotgun with the new one so maybe remove the zombie from that room or put him far from the door . If you will continue to develop this demo/remake , add some ink ribbons and fix the battery bug as I said and possibly fix the character menu to show actual health state and to pick up herbs to use when you need them .

That's another thing I've noticed too, that the Health state isn't portrayed accurately sometimes. A lot of props to the creator, having the game as it is is more than I can wish for. Also given his previous comment I don't think Ink ribbons  will be added. Or at least not in the next patch.

I can confirm that bug with red jewel.


Yo! First off, I'm super into what you've done here. im already having a nostalgia induced BLAST. It's the midway remake I never knew that I wanted.  I do have a couple of questions, though; 1: I saw someone say that you can open the inventory with "i"? I cant seem to find an inventory, at all, so i'm having a hard time keeping up with my ammo, or anything else i may have picked up. 2: Is it finished, or do you plan to expand on it? maybe adding save states, or a pause menu?

ITS GREAT EITHER WAY. get back to me if and when you can.


I cancel the inventory in this version what i updload before. I don´t think gonna work properly... Im doing cutscenes and rebuilding all enemy and adding some more but i see imposible to stand a save system in this thing. Im glad to read you become some nostalgia so i feel realize knowing it!

I can’t get past the character select screen. I’ve tried every single keyboard input :(

Never mind. I realized holding the E-key for a little while let me pick my character. Looking forward to trying it out! :)

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